overcome manifesting myths to manifest with ease

How to Overcome Old Manifesting Myths that Derail Your Progress

All right friends, it’s time to sly manifesting myths. 

Let’s dive into the real talk about manifesting misconceptions. The digital age has brought so many methods, tips, and tricks for manifesting your dreams. With all this information, there are bound to be some myths that need busting.

I’ve seen too many toxic myths about manifesting, ones that all beginners must break away from in order to live a life of true abundance. Let’s cut through the noise and get to the heart of what really works. It’s time to clear the clutter and focus on what truly helps you manifest your desires. Buckle up, because we’re about to set the record straight!

Manifesting Myth #1: You Need to Stay Positive All the Time

This is sooo not true. In fact, it burns me up every time I hear it. I’ve been working with women on their manifestation journeys for years, and I’ve seen firsthand that constant positivity isn’t just unrealistic—it’s counterproductive.

People often believe this manifesting myth because it sounds simple and appealing. “Just think positive, and everything will work out.” Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and that’s okay. Authenticity is key in manifesting. If you ignore your true feelings, you’re only stuffing down emotions that will eventually bubble up and interfere with your manifesting efforts.

Do you need to move to more positive thoughts, yes but only in the context of developing new positive beliefs. However, always being happy doesn’t mean anything if you are suppressing your feelings. In fact, ignoring or suppressing anything negative actually shifts your focus to it more.

Moving Past the Positivity Myth

Imagine you’re trying to grow a beautiful garden. You plant your favorite flowers and water them diligently every day, expecting them to flourish. However, you notice some weeds starting to sprout among your flowers. Instead of pulling out the weeds, you decide to just ignore them and keep watering the garden, hoping they will go away on their own. But as time goes on, the weeds grow stronger and begin to overtake your flowers, drawing more of your attention and effort away from nurturing the plants you want to grow.

In the same way, simply trying to focus on positive thoughts without addressing negative feelings is like ignoring the weeds in your garden. Suppressing your true emotions doesn’t make them disappear; it often makes them stronger and more persistent. By acknowledging and addressing your negative feelings, you can truly shift your focus to developing new positive beliefs, just as pulling out the weeds allows your flowers to thrive.

The truth: Manifesting is about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions, not pretending everything is perfect. It’s about recognizing and addressing your negative emotions and using them as a catalyst for growth and change.

Join the feel to flourish masterclass to learn how to use your emotions for manifestation

I created the Complimentary Feel to Flourish Masterclass to help you understand and master emotional awareness, which is crucial for manifesting effectively.

Manifesting Myth #2: You Can Manifest Anything Instantly

I can totally understand why someone would believe this, especially if you’ve read stories about overnight success or instant transformations.

I’ve been there myself, and I can tell you that while some things might manifest quickly, true, lasting change takes time. Manifesting is a journey, not a one-off event. It involves changing deep-seated beliefs and patterns, which requires patience and persistence.

People still believe this manifesting misconception because instant gratification is so tempting. In our fast-paced world, waiting for results can be incredibly frustrating. There are ways to have quick wins in manifestation and quick wins are not bad or irrelevant. The relevance of quick wins is that they serve as motivation to keep pushing forward to your transformation.

quick wins are your motivation not your transformation

Quick Win vs Transformation:

You are working on overcoming negative self-talk. One day that you have showered yourself with love for the whole day. You are so excited to have not spoken negatively about yourself. That is a quick win, it was one day. You don’t stop being aware of your internal dialog because you had one extraordinary day of loving yourself.

You still carry your self-awareness with you and notice how you are speaking to yourself after that win. That one day may turn into two days, then you may have an off day, but then you go seven days in that state. You build it over time. Eventually, you do transform because you celebrated your quick wins and you didn’t judge yourself for the days when negative self-talk crept back in.

The truth: Be prepared for a journey. Manifesting is about consistent, aligned action over time. It’s about forming new subconscious beliefs that support your desires, which takes practice and dedication.

Manifesting Myth #3: You Have to Know Exactly How and When Your Desires Will Manifest

I can totally understand why someone would believe this, especially if you’re used to setting specific, measurable goals and trying to control every detail.

I’ve been there myself, and I can tell you that the magic of manifesting lies in the unknown. Trying to control every aspect of how and when your desires will manifest only leads to frustration and blocks the flow of abundance.

People still believe this myth because it feels safe to have a plan and know exactly what steps to take. We are programmed to have a one-year, three- year, five-year, and ten-year plan. Our society impresses upon us to stay in the known and not leave anything to chance. This limits our ability to manifest effectively.

Letting Go of Forced Action to Manifest

Manifesting is about co-creating with the universe and allowing it to work its magic in unexpected ways. This does not mean you sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. Action is a critical part of manifestation. Forced effort is when you are focused on the how and when so you take action based on your idea of the timeline and way the manifestation will occur. 

For example, I’m only going to apply to certain companies because they are the only ones I know that may offer me what I am looking for. This strips you of possibilities of your dream job from a company that you have never heard of before. You take away the ability of the universe to deliver your dream job by sticking yourself with limited options.

Move from Forced to Inspired

Inspired action is being open to possibilities by taking action that is aligned with your desires while letting go of the details. It is putting yourself in the position to receive what you desire without being fixated on one path. You are open to having things come to you in unexpected ways. 

For example, I’ll post my updated resume, apply to places, and network. I will let the universe bring me the best offer. This means it could come from someone stumbling onto my resume, somewhere I applied, or through someone I know. Heck, maybe it won’t come from any of these avenues! I will let the universe decide what is best because the universe has unlimited possibilities that it can use to manifest my dream job.

forced effort happens when you believe the manifesting myth that you need to figure out your desires

The truth: Let go of the need to control every detail. Trust that the universe has a better plan for you than you can imagine. Focus on your desires and intentions, take inspired action, and remain open to the possibilities that come your way.

Why do these manifesting myths derail your progress?

Believing in these manifesting myths can seriously derail your progress and make you question your ability to manifest your desires. These myths create unrealistic expectations and often lead to frustration and self-doubt. When you buy into these common manifesting myths, you might find yourself wondering why your efforts aren’t yielding the results you hoped for. This doubt can be paralyzing, preventing you from taking the necessary actions that actually lead to successful manifestation.

When you internalize these manifesting myths, you might start to doubt your own power and abilities. This doubt can lead to inaction, as you feel discouraged and unsure of what steps to take next. It can also cause you to abandon your manifesting practices altogether, thinking they don’t work for you. The reality is, that everyone has the potential to manifest their desires, but it requires the right mindset, knowledge, and approach.

I absolutely know you have everything it takes to manifest an abundant life. You just need the right guidance to succeed in your manifesting journey. Otherwise, you risk feeling disillusioned and giving up on your dreams. Remember, manifesting is not about perfection or instant results. It’s about understanding the practical aspects of manifesting and embracing it as a continuous journey.

Whatever you do, don’t give up! I’ve seen countless women achieve their desires and transform their lives. There’s nothing mysterious or special about them. They did it by understanding the practical aspects of manifesting and embracing manifestation as a journey, not a destination.

Until Next Time

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Remember, you can always reach me at contact@livelifeunapologetically.com. Let’s get you manifesting the holistic abundance you deserve!

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Cheers! I'm Shannon

I founded Manifest SHE, a manifestation coaching program built specifically for women. I help you break through limiting beliefs, harness your inner power, and manifest your dream lives with clarity and confidence.

I believe that manifesting doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. My mission is to simplify the process, giving you the tools you need to live boldly, authentically, and unapologetically—while manifesting the life of your dreams.

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