3 daily manifestation habits anyone can implement

3  Underestimated and Powerful Manifestation Habits

Have you ever seen other women effortlessly manifest their desires and wondered how you can do it too? It turns out there’s no real mystery to it other than manifestation habits.

Simple everyday habits are the key.

Now, if the word “habits” makes you wince a little, I get it. It sounds like a lot of work. But it’s true what they say: If you can stick with a new habit long enough, you’ll forget it’s a habit.

Good habits can definitely help you consistently manifest abundance and still maintain a sense of calm and balance. I know because I made it my mission to master the art of manifestation habits. At first, I got tripped up by inconsistency and self-doubt. I couldn’t find a practical way to integrate manifestation techniques into my busy life.

So if you’ve been struggling to stay consistent with your manifestation practices, you’re not alone. Most people make the mistake of trying to do too much at once or expecting immediate results. The real key to success is having a routine you can follow without fail, and that includes making time for yourself and addressing limiting beliefs.

Read on to discover 3 daily manifestation habits to help you consistently and effortlessly manifest your desires.

The Habit of Daily Gratitude

The habit of gratitude will elevate your manifestation

Practicing daily gratitude is critical for maintaining your positive state of mind. You can’t manifest abundance without recognizing the abundance you already have. Here’s the good news: You don’t need to spend hours on it. 

Start off by committing to writing down three things you’re grateful for every day. One thing I will say is do not look back ten years and be like, “I was so grateful that one time someone paid for my coffee.” Your three things should be from the same day or the day prior. 

You can also experience significant benefits by practicing gratitude every day. A regular gratitude practice can improve your mood, increase your emotional resilience, and help you maintain a positive outlook. The key is consistency. Over time, this simple habit will become second nature and profoundly impact your mindset and overall well-being.

Feeling like 3 is a stretch because life seems to be falling apart right now…then give yourself grace and look for one thing to start. Then gradually increase the number. The more gratitude you look for the more you will start to see yourself naturally doing it.

Taking this Daily Manifestation Habit to the Next Level

Once three things a day begin to fee rather simple, then start doing what I like to call the hamburger method. That is when you start and end your day with a gratitude habit. You say three things in the morning when you first wake up and three things right before you go to bed that you are grateful for.

Why a hamburger? Think of the morning like a top bun and then the evening like the bottom. It doesn’t really matter what mess comes during the day, as long as you hold it together with gratitude. Like a hamburger that may have mustard or pickles falling off, your hands have the bun to grip. That is what gratitude can do.

If your emotions are all over the place and you feel like it is difficult to feel gratitude even when you are saying what you are grateful for then grab the FREE Feel to Flourish Masterclass where we dive into emotions and how to move from feeling negative to positive.

The Manifestation Habit of Visualization

I underestimated the power of visualizing my desires daily, but it’s crucial to your manifestation success. Visualization helps you create a mental picture of what you want to attract, making it more tangible and attainable. When you don’t visualize, you’re likely to lose focus and motivation, which undermines your ability to manifest.

Even if you have a hard time visualizing, make sure you spend at least 5 minutes each day picturing your goals as if they’re already achieved. If you’re having a hard time achieving this, try to:

  • Create a vision board. This can help you see your goals more clearly.
  • Use guided visualization exercises. These can provide structure and guidance.
  • Meditate. This can help clear your mind and improve your focus.
A visualization should be vivid, specific and aligned

If you are still feeling stuck when it comes to visualization you can check out Episode 67 of the Live Life Unapologetically Podcast to dive deeper into this practice.

Daily Affirmation Habit for Manifestation

This one can be extra challenging, especially if you’re used to negative self-talk. I used to doubt my ability to manifest my desires, which detracted from my energy and confidence. You may think that affirming your desires is unnecessary, but it will eventually lead to stronger belief and manifestation power.

When you affirm your desires, you reinforce your commitment and alignment with your goals. Even if you start by affirming one desire a day, it will start shifting your mindset toward success.

Affirmations are a form of self-love

Here are a few other ways to affirm your desires:

  • Write your affirmations down. This makes them more concrete.
  • Say them out loud. Hearing your own voice can reinforce the message.
  • Repeat them regularly. Consistency is key to making affirmations effective.
  • Bonus: Act ‘as if’, meaning you embody your affirmation so how you show up in the world matches what you are affirming.

Your Path to Daily Manifestation Habits

As we wrap up I want to leave you with this tidbit about building up your manifestation habits so that you can be successful.

I have developed the 7-Day Method for New Habits™. I know it takes time to develop a new habit, a lot longer than seven days, because it takes a few weeks up to a couple of months to form new habits. The 7-Day Method for New Habits™ is a way to take it a week at a time.

This helps take away overwhelm and lets you reflect to see how you like the new habit so you can make any adjustments you need. For instance, maybe you want to do visualization in the morning but it doesn’t feel good to you so you decide after 7 days that you are going to switch to the evening. You are still working the habit, you are just making it work for you.

Then you repeat every seven days. It is much easier to be motivated to do something consistently for seven days than twenty-one or more when you first start. This is really just doing it in consecutive increments that eventually turn into months and eventually, you don’t have to think about it because it has become a new habit.

 gratitude, visualization, and affirmations are great for dreams

Whether you’re new to manifestation, have been at it for a while, or just want a way to stay balanced and focused, these habits will help you manifest abundance consistently. All you need to do is stick to a routine. Remember, it takes time and dedication, and failure is part of the process. So if you go off track at any point, that’s completely normal. Don’t beat yourself up and lose time worrying about it. Get right back to it. You got this!

Until Next Time

Download the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass.

If you enjoyed the content and are hungry for more insights, then grab the all-access pass and subscribe to Live Life Unapologetically Premium, a private podcast where I extend and explore the secrets of practical manifesting and abundance, offering exclusive insights and in-depth episodes just for you. 

Remember, you can always reach me at contact@livelifeunapologetically.com. Let’s get you manifesting the holistic abundance you deserve!

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Cheers! I'm Shannon

I founded Manifest SHE, a manifestation coaching program built specifically for women. I help you break through limiting beliefs, harness your inner power, and manifest your dream lives with clarity and confidence.

I believe that manifesting doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. My mission is to simplify the process, giving you the tools you need to live boldly, authentically, and unapologetically—while manifesting the life of your dreams.

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